Centers and Institutes
The University of Chicago is renowned for its interdisciplinary culture, in which faculty, students, and visiting scholars can gain innovative insights through multiple, varying perspectives. More than 150 institutes and centers across the University are an integral means for those connections. Those directly affiliated with the Division of the Social Sciences are as follows:
Area Studies Centers
- Center for East Asian Studies
- Center for Eastern European and Russian/Eurasian Studies
- Center for Latin American Studies
- Center for Middle Eastern Studies
- Committee on African Studies
- Committee on South Asian Studies
Center for Early Childhood Research
Center for the Economics of Human Development
Center for Effective Government
Center for Health and Social Sciences
Center for International Social Science Research
Center for Practical Wisdom
Center for Radical Innovation and Social Change
Center for Spatial Data Science
Center for the Study of Communication and Society
Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality
Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory
Chicago Center on Democracy
Chicago Project on Security and Threats
Chicago Science of Learning Center
France Chicago Center
Institute for Mind and Biology
Katz Center for Mexican Studies
Leo Strauss Center
Morris Fishbein Center for the History of Science and Medicine
Neubauer Collegium for Culture & Society
Population Research Center
Social Sciences Research Center
Thirty Million Words Center for Early Learning and Public Health