August 9, 2023 (last updated on November 22, 2023)


We are pleased to announce that Joseph Root and Evan Rose will be joining our junior faculty.

Root is an Economics Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Berkeley. His interests are Market and Mechanism Design, Microeconomic Theory, and Behavioral Economics. His dissertation, “Market Design Under Constraints,” studies how social and technological constraints determine the ways in which scarce resources can be allocated among individuals or groups. His research focuses on identifying unifying mathematical features for these problems in order to increase the scope of applications for market design. 

Prior to studying for a Ph.D. in Economics and an M.A. in Mathematics he earned a BA in Applied Mathematics and Economics at UC Berkeley.

He will join the faculty as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2021 after spending the 2020-21 academic year as a Linde postdoctoral fellow at the Social and Information Sciences Laboratory at Caltech.

His webpage is

Rose is an Economics Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Berkeley. His interests are Labor Economics, Public Economics, Urban Economics, and Applied Econometrics. His job market paper, “Who Gets a Second Chance? Effectiveness and Equity in State Supervision of Criminal Offenders,” studies how facially race-neutral policies can generate big disparate impacts even when applied without discriminatory intent. The context he studies is probation, which is the most common criminal punishment in the United States. His research focuses on interactions between labor markets, educational institutions, and the justice system, with a particular focus on discrimination and inequality.

Prior to attending Berkeley, he was a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group after graduating with a BA in Economics and Classical Languages from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

He will join the faculty as a Neubauer Family Assistant Professor in Fall 2022 after spending the 2020-21 academic year as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge and 2021-22 as a Saieh Family Research Fellow at the Becker Friedman Institute.

His webpage is