Past Becker Applied Economics Workshops

Click to expand workshop details below. For questions about the Becker Applied Economics workshop, please contact Brittney Walker

October 14
Seth Zimmerman, Yale School of Management
"Parents' Earning and the Returns to Universal Pre-Kindergarten"

October 21
David Green, The University of British Columbia
"The Minimum Wage, Turnover, and the Shape of the Wage Distribution"

October 28
Zarek Brot, Harris School of Public Policy at The University of Chicago
"Who Pays for Rising Health Care Prices? Evidence from Hospital Mergers"

November 4
Lisa Kahn, University of Rochester 
"Racial and Ethnic Inequality and the China Stock"

November 11
Felix Koenig, Carnegie Mellon University
"Wage-Surging: An Analysis of Firms' Searching during Hiring Difficulties"

November 18
Juanna S. Joensen, University of Chicago
"Complementarities in High School and College Investments"

December 2
Luigi Pistaferri, Stanford University
Topic: TBA

October 16
Jack Mountjoy
"Marginal Returns to Public Universities"

October 23
Amanda Pallais
“The Power of Proximity to Coworkers: Training for Tomorrow or Productivity Today” with Natalia Emanuel and Emma Harrington

October 30
Jessie Handbury
Demographic Differences in Social Exposure to High-Income People” with Victor Couture, Jonathan Dingel and Allison Green

November 6
John Eric Humphries, Yale University
"Parents' Labor Supply and the Social Return to Universal Pre-Kindergarten" (with Christopher Neilson, Xiaoyang Ye, and Seth Zimmerman)

November 13
Dan Waldinger, NYU
"Right-to-Counsel and Rental Housing Markets: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from New York" (joint with Robert Collinson, John Eric Humphries, Stephanie Kestelman, Scott Nelson, and Winnie Van Dijk)