August 2, 2023 (last updated on November 22, 2023)


We are pleased to announce that Kirill Ponomarev and Eric Richert will be joining the junior faculty at the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics.

Ponomarev is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Economics at UCLA (2022). His research focuses broadly in Econometrics, with current research focusing on partial identification and efficient estimation as reflected in his job market paper, “Efficient Estimation of Directionally Differentiable Functionals.” He will join the faculty as Assistant Professor on July 1, 2022.

His personal website can be viewed here:

Richert is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Economics at Queen’s University. His primary area of research interest lies at the intersection of Empirical Industrial Organization and Finance. His job market paper, “Quantity Commitments in Multiunit Auctions: Evidence from Credit Event Auctions,” estimates “a structural model of bidding behavior in these auctions and uses it to quantify the role of each of these channels in the dynamic auction process.”

He will join the faculty in July 2023, following a one year postdoctoral position at Princeton University.

His personal website can be viewed here: