August 15, 2023 (last updated on November 22, 2023)


We are pleased to announce that Mikhail Golosov and Alexander Torgovitsky will join our department faculty beginning July 1, 2017. Golosov has been appointed the Homer J. Livingston Professor in Economics and the College, and was previously a professor of economics at Princeton University. His primary research fields include macroeconomics, public finance, and political economy. Torgovitsky, previously from Northwestern University, will join us as an Assistant Professor in Economics. His research interests include identification and inference problems in microeconometrics, with recent work focusing on developing tools for semiparametric nonlinear models in which the parameters of interest are partially identified.

We also welcome Simon Mongey (NYU) and Peter Hull (MIT). Mongey is a macroeconomist with specializations in labor economics and computational economics. He will be a post-doc at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis beginning the summer of 2017, and will join our faculty as an Assistant Professor on July 1, 2018. Hull will be a post-doc at Microsoft Research beginning the summer of 2017, a Becker Friedman Institute Research Fellow beginning the summer of 2018, and will join our faculty as an Assistant Professor on July 1, 2019. His research interests include developing new econometric techniques to answer policy questions in education and health care.