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Ufuk Akcigit
Macroeconomics, Economic Growth, Firm Dynamics, Innovation, Entrepreneurship.

Fernando Alvarez
Dynamic general equilibrium models applied to asset pricing, search and insurance.

Stéphane Bonhomme
Microeconometrics and econometric theory, with a special interest in latent variable modeling and panel data; labor economics.

Benjamin Brooks
Games of incomplete information, auction theory and mechanism design, and repeated games.

Christina Brown

Leonardo Bursztyn
Behavioral Economics, Political Economy, Development Economics.

Manasi Deshpande
Empirical public finance and labor economics, effects of social insurance and public assistance programs, and labor markets

David Galenson
The life cycles of human creativity; art markets

Mikhail Golosov
Macroeconomics; public finance; political economy

Michael Greenstone
Environmental and energy economics; public economics; development economics; labor economics; health economics.

Lars Peter Hansen
Time series econometrics; quantitative analysis of dynamic equilibrium models; asset pricing

Arnold C. Harberger
The inflation syndrome; distributional weights, basic needs and other systematic ways of incorporating non-economic considerations into economic analysis, taxation and international capital flows; international comparisons of rates of return to capital