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Derek A. Neal
Labor; black-white wage inequality; economics of crime; education policy
Kirill Ponomarev
Doron Ravid
Economic theory; microeconomics, game and choice theory, behavioral economics
Philip J. Reny
auction theory, information aggregation, game theory, and the theory of mechanism design
Eric Richert
Joseph Root
Evan Rose
Labor, human capital, discrimination, and crime
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
International trade; regional and urban economics; growth and organizational economics
Azeem Shaikh
Econometric theory; partial identification; multiple testing; resampling methods; empirical likelihood
Robert Shimer
Labor markets; search theory; mismatch between workers and jobs; private information; duration dependence.
Nancy L. Stokey
Growth theory; economic dynamics; fiscal and monetary policy
Max Tabord-Meehan
Econometric theory and applied econometrics