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James J. Heckman

Ali Hortaçsu
Industrial organization; auctions; search and matching models; production and financial networks; applications in finance, energy markets and the internet.

Greg Kaplan
Macroeconomics, labor economics, inequality, consumption, risk-sharing, unemployment, monetary policy, fiscal policy, household formation, migration

Anne Karing
Economics of healthcare delivery and health-seeking behaviors; development economics; field experiments; social signaling incentives in health; informal and formal markets of medicines

Michael Kremer
Development economics; field experiments; education, health, water, and agriculture in developing countries.
Co-recipient of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 2019. Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2003. MacArthur Fellowship, 1997.

Thibaut Lamadon
Macro-labor, equilibrium search, and dynamic contracting

Steve Levitt
Economic models of crime and corruption; the criminal justice system; abortion legalization; school choice; how businesses make decisions.

John List
Experimental economics; field experiments; education; youth violence; economics of charity; environmental economics; experiments in firms; multi-unit auctions; neuro-economics.

Magne Mogstad
Labor economics; public economics; analysis of social mobility and inequality

Casey Mulligan
Non-pecuniary incentives to save and work; how economy affects policy

Kevin M. Murphy
Empirical analysis of inequality, unemployment, and relative wages; economics of growth and development; addiction; the economic value of improvements in health and longevity

Roger B. Myerson
Game theory; information economics; economic models of voting and politics